Re: Proposal: Audiobook

On 9/19/13 12:05 PM, Aaron Bradley wrote:

> An "isBasedOn" certainly falls in the former category for a new type
> "AudioBook" since - as per Richard's example - that data (the book being
> read) is ubiquitously present in audio book records.  I think there are
> other extant use cases for this too.  For example, in IMDb you'll find a
> heading "Original Literary Source" under which one or more literary
> works upon which a film is based is listed, and it's anything but
> uncommon for a classical music recording to list details about the piece
> performed (a Von Karagan performance /or/ recording of Beethoven's 9th
> Symphony isn't Beethoven Opus 125, but a creative work derived from it).

Yes, but "isBasedOn" was proposed to be a URL representing the print 
work. The data about the book being read is represented in the 
audiobooks metadata as the author and title of the book, the same way it 
is in the record for the print book. Creating an actual link (i.e. via 
identifiers) for the relationship is what we do not have today in most 
metadata. So the bibliographic details exist, but as the bibliographic 
details for the audiobook, or, as you illustrate, the bibliographic 
details for the symphony. It's descriptive data, not a link between 
separate bibliographic descriptions. Given that a book like Moby Dick 
has been re-published hundreds of times, even if you have a URL for some 
of those editions (but not necessarily the original one, whose exact 
identity is not always known) means you have to decide which of those 
editions to link to. We need to think this through a bit in terms of 
realistic work-flow.

That said, we (schema BibEx) are contemplating links between 
CreativeWorks for those instances where there are identifiers that can 
be used for that purpose. I think it would be preferable that such 
linking properties be as general as possible, and one possibility is to 
allow any number of CreativeWorks to state a "same Work" relationship 
between them. So all of those editions of Moby Dick can state that they 
represent the same work (with links between them) or they can all state 
that they represent the same work described in If there is a "Work" record 
(approximating the FRBR sense of Work) then you can declare any edition 
to the be same work as that record's URL. (Freebase, Open Library, 
LibraryThing, and apparently soon WorldCat, have identifiers for Work, 
although their definitions of Work vary among them.) The variety of 
possible relationships is enormous, and so I think that beginning with a 
KISS approach while we see how this pans out would be wisest.


> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Karen Coyle <
> <>> wrote:
>     the only other newly proposed property is "abridged". There was
>     discussion as to whether this would be simply a text element of
>     "Book/edition" but again we felt that it was important enough to
>     have its down property. It is proposed as a property on Book since
>     textual books can also be abridged.
>     The other necessary elements come from AudioObject, such as "duration".
>     kc
>     On 9/19/13 11:13 AM, Thad Guidry wrote:
>         Richard,
>         What other properties are needed for AudioBook other than just
>         readBy ?
>         Is that all ?  nothing more ?  (think, think, think..)
>         --
>         -Thad
>         Thad on
>         <
>         <>>
>         Thad on LinkedIn <
>         <>>
>     --
>     Karen Coyle
> <>
>     m: 1-510-435-8234 <tel:1-510-435-8234>
>     skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 21:00:22 UTC