Re: SKOS for proposal for discussion

On 9 October 2013 16:09, Ed Summers <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>> ... in many many cases URLs can be used, ... but sometimes the thing
>> we point to can also be usefully described inline too, with further
>> properties and relationships. 'URL' is very very vague and doesn't
>> address the inline description possibility.
> Thanks Dan. I guess I'm failing to imagine a scenario where someone
> who was describing a job posting would want to describe an
> occupational category inline and relate it to other occupational
> categories (broader, narrower, etc), or make other skos like
> assertions.

Yes, I suspect that particular property is more like 'thumbnail'
(tends to be simple URLs) than a Movie 'trailer' (which tends to be
inline). However both of those have consistent documentation within, explaining their meaning, associated types etc. If you go
to and wonder what "Values expected to be
one of these types: ImageObject" means, you can always follow the link
to to get a deeper explanation. I'd like
(Enum)Concept to be documentations similarly...


p.s. to Jason's point "Doesn't *somebody" have to define it inline?
Otherwise, how does it exist for other people to refer to by URL?
:)", ... somebody needs to define it in the Web, e.g. Ed's earlier
work on LCSH gave us
which gives in various formats a SKOS description of a Concept whose
skos:prefLabel is "Determinants". So "inline" in that page, sure. But
for instance data it's handled by reference. I feel we've a stronger
case for for the pages that point to the authority
page rather than for the authority page, since latter is more likely
to be published by technical experts who are comfortable with RDF,
multiple namespaces etc.

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:28:36 UTC