Collections [use case - Property: event]

Good day,

I must admit that I don't understand how to deal with collections when 
using current vocabulary. I see proposal for *Collection* [1] 
which turns out to focus on very particular case, which I would maybe 
refer to as *WorksCollection*.

In my use case, I use *Action* subtypes to describe process of 
self-organizing events. I consider using *AddAction* type to represent 
creation of new event. Its parent type - *UpdateAction* - defines 
*collection* property as: "A sub property of object. The collection 
target of the action." When using *Organization* type, I can use *event* 
property to link to associated events. Still I don't see way to refer to 
them as *collection* in *AddAction*!

So far I do:

@prefix schema: <> .

   a  schema:Organization;
   schema:event  <>,
                 <> .

   a schema:Person .

   a schema:Event .

   a schema:AddAction;
   schema:agent <>;
   schema:result <> .

Now I have no clue how to link it to *Organization* 
<> and in particular its collection of events 
:( Adding to my AddAction:

   schema:object <>

could get me a little bit closer but still not clear that i refer to 
collection of items related through schema:event property...

I guess other properties commonly used for collections can have similar 
challenges eg. *attendee*, *performer*, *member*, *founder*, *seeks*, 
*owns*, *makesOffer*, *review* etc.

I also just found something which seems to me like some kind of special 
Type: *Audience* - "Intended audience for an item, i.e. the group for 
whom the item was created."
Property: *audience* - "The intended audience of the item, i.e. the 
group for whom the item was created."

*Audience* has no examples and I don't fully understanding its use in 

Thanks for help with clarifying how to deal with all those collections :)


Received on Friday, 29 November 2013 12:09:03 UTC