webschema-ISSUE-29 (Descriptions ending with '.''?): Schema.org should decide whether documentation strings end with '.' or not. [Feedback on Schema.org]

webschema-ISSUE-29 (Descriptions ending with '.''?): Schema.org should decide whether documentation strings end with '.' or not. [Feedback on Schema.org]


Raised by: Dan Brickley
On product: Feedback on Schema.org

Schema.org sentences sometimes end '.', and sometimes just stop 

It would be good to be more consistent. See also this ad-hoc SPARQL database for details:


  SELECT * WHERE { GRAPH ?G { ?p rdfs:comment ?c } FILTER regex(str(?c), "[^.]$") } 


  SELECT * WHERE { GRAPH ?G { ?p rdfs:comment ?c } FILTER regex(str(?c), ".$") } 

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 23:01:57 UTC