[CANCELED] No VC EDU call on 18 March

Dear All,

This is to inform you that the weekly VC EDU call on 18 March will be cancelled.
The next meeting will be held on 25 March. Due to the misalignment of DST Clock Change Events in 2024, please note the exact time in your time zone below:

Pacific Time, PT 09:00
Mountain Time, MT 10:00
Mexico City, Mexico 10:00
Central Time, CT 11:00
Eastern Time, ET 12:00
Greenwich Mean Time, GMT 16:00
Central European Time, CET 17:00

We will contact you early next week with the meeting agenda.
Best wishes,

The Chairs

Ildiko Mazar

Sector Consulting Manager

European Digital Credentials for Learning Implementation Support

Rue de Spa 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Learn more at nttdata.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nttdata.com/global/en/__;!!DOxrgLBm!SSn61vBA3b9R8E1QbsOrqGN-KqUb93Wb7c6tOhqNMCZoHVO9lPxtTID8cooVCFOQ2dq8xXCU$>


Received on Friday, 15 March 2024 16:34:52 UTC