Re: PlugFest 3 Verification Workflow

On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 10:49 AM Sharon Leu <> wrote:
> Whether or not you are participating in plugfest, our team is interested in hearing from you about what information you would need to know about a verification tool in order to be able to successfully present VPs to that verifier from your wallet solution.  For example, which DID methods, protocols, key type infrastructure, seem important.  Anything else?

A quick note to mention that the CHAPI Playground already supports
having different Verifier backends. There are instructions on how you
can integrate your Verifier backend here (which will look familiar to
those of you that integrated your issuer backends for JFF Plugfest

... and we're already working with a number of organizations that have
functioning verifiers, to integrate them with the CHAPI Playground (in
an initiative that is currently running in parallel to the Jobs For
The Future Plugfest #3):

If you haven't heard from us yet, feel free to reach out to have your
Verifier added to the CHAPI Playground as a verifier that can be
picked from a list of verifiers that can be used to verify VCs and VPs
sent using the new Multi-credential Verifier functionality in the
CHAPI Playground that was announced a little over a week ago:

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Monday, 14 August 2023 15:06:22 UTC