Re: PlugFest 3 Verification Workflow

This is great. I think the questions about a Verifier tool would be 
similar as those about Holder wallets in the PlugFest 3 Contact List 
for example:

- Which protocol(s) does your Verifier support for requesting verifiable 

- Which DID method(s) do you support?

- What is your credential envelope format? (e.g. W3C VC, JWT, Anoncreds, 
ACDC, ISO mDoc, ...)

- What key types do you support? (e.g. Ed25519)

- Does your Verifier check Issuer DIDs against a trust registry or other 
known Issuer list? (which one?)

- Does your Verifier support any revocation methods? (e.g. StatusList2021)


On 8/14/23 18:49, Sharon Leu wrote:
> Hello vc-edu,
> During PlugFest 3, we will be working to demonstrate interoperability 
> in the presentation workflow.  We are excited that a number of 
> plugfest participants have expressed interest in developing their 
> verification tools for our use case.
> Whether or not you are participating in plugfest, our team is 
> interested in hearing from you about what information you would need 
> to know about a verification tool in order to be able to successfully 
> present VPs to that verifier from your wallet solution.  For example, 
> which DID methods, protocols, key type infrastructure, seem important. 
> Anything else?
> Thanks!
> sharon

Received on Monday, 14 August 2023 15:01:14 UTC