Change proposal First Party Compliance issue-170

Friendly amendment to Rigo's proposal for new text to replace "First parties
may elect to follow third party practices".


First parties may elect to be more restrictive in their data collection
practices than proscribed in this Specification. If first parties only
collect data as permitted for third parties when receiving a DNT:1 header,
they can indicate this according to the tracking status message as set forth
in the Tracking Preference Expression Specification. If required, a User
Granted Exception to a set or unset DNT general preference may be used to
signal whether or not a user has given their explicit consent.



A UGE is available as option in any environment (regulated or not), and it
should be able to override DNT unset with  DNT:1 as well as DNT:1 with DNT:0

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 22:45:17 UTC