Re: DNT: Agenda for Wednesday call, February 20


1. "Market research" has been proposed as a permitted use, to go into the text of the spec.  It is an important topic in practice for a range of companies.  The DAA code, which overlaps in its coverage with DNT issues, has an exception/permitted use for "market research."  To get adoption of DNT, getting clarity on "market research" seems entirely relevant.

2. In talking with people since I sent the agenda, I believe "truncation of URIs" may be a better term for the group than LBH.  This truncation point is inter-woven with the definition of what counts as de-identified and what uses are permitted for what length of time.  I continue to believe that greater clarity on how long data is retained, for what purposes, and with what provisions on the back end (delete, deID), are operationally key issues for the compliance spec.


Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
    Ohio State University

From: David Singer <<>>
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 2:38 PM
To: Peter Swire <<>>
Cc: "<> WG" <<>>
Subject: Re: DNT: Agenda for Wednesday call, February 20

On Feb 19, 2013, at 9:36 , Peter Swire <<>> wrote:

b.  Market research definition.
c.   “Lifetime browsing history” definition.

Could someone remind me why we need definitions for these, as they don't seem to occur in the compliance document, and I am unaware of any agreement/action to include them?

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 19:55:26 UTC