Re: tracking-ISSUE-150: DNT conflicts from multiple user agents [Tracking Definitions and Compliance]

On Jun 5, 2012, at 23:04 , Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:

> But here we have a case where the actual header sent is compliant, but there is some doubt over whether it truly "expresses the user's intent" (something that is not machine-determinable).  I'm trying but failing to think of protocols which allow you to do something else if you think the other end didn't actually mean what they said.
> We do this all the time. Most browsers do sniffing of content types, for instance, to see "You the server told me this was image/jpeg. I'm going to look and see if it has the correct magic bytes at the beginning. Oh wait, it looks like you're actually sending me a PNG. Hmm..."

actually, I don't think this is quite the same;  in the case you cite, there is a mis-match between the claimed type and the data supplied.  And i can't be the only person to have been frustrated to have deliberately supplied an HTML fragment under the type "text/plain" with the intent that it be displayed as-is, only to find the browser second-guessing me and trying to interpret it, i.e. treating it as text/html.

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2012 16:03:11 UTC