tracking-ISSUE-117: Terms: tracking v. cross-site tracking [Tracking Definitions and Compliance]

tracking-ISSUE-117: Terms: tracking v. cross-site tracking [Tracking Definitions and Compliance]

Raised by: Aleecia McDonald
On product: Tracking Definitions and Compliance

We have a bit of disagreement over terms. The Tracking Definitions and Compliance document holds the definitions. We should harmonize the Tracking Preference Expressions document to match. This leaves open the question of what the Definitions and Compliance document should contain, but at present there does not appear to be a consensus to change from tracking to cross-site tracking. Consensus is required to change sections of the FPWD for the Definitions and Compliance document where we had prior agreements.

For the history of this issue, see the thread starting with

Received on Friday, 13 January 2012 03:49:01 UTC