RE: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semant ic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
W3C seminar — Using Web services: from infrastructure to semantics (6 March 2006)
CfP: ESWC06 Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web
SWIG F2F meeting, 2nd March, Cannes, France
2nd CFP: 8th Int. Conf. on Electronic Commerce (ICEC'06)
SPARQL Protocol for RDF LC Working Draft Published
CFP: ESWC06 Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis
OSRR vs. OWL-S, WSMO, and others
WSDL 2.0: RDF mapping - lobby your local WG NOW!
Re: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semantic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
CFP: International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS-2006)
2nd CfP: ECAI'06 workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2006)
2nd CFP WWW 2006 Workshop on Architecture and Philosophy of the Web: Identity, Reference, and the Web (IRW2006)
RE: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semant ic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
RE: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semant ic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
Is there a mistake in the Frame-Layer explanation?
Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semantic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
- RE: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semantic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
- Re: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semantic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol
- RE: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semantic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol