from October to December 2015 by subject

SVG WG review of SVG accessibility specifications

SVG-ACTION-3822: Come up with a list of properties to explicitly allow unitless values in

SVG-ACTION-3823: Look into implementation of path stroking in various libraries with view to what recommendations svg 2 spec should make

SVG-ACTION-3824: Add an issue to conformance appendix noting that it needs review/rewriting

SVG-ACTION-3825: Investigate behaviour of nested links in svg and html

SVG-ACTION-3826: Look at adding extra html attributes onto svg a element

SVG-ACTION-3827: Draft text related to viewtarget and some examples

SVG-ACTION-3828: Write up text about sizing, either in svg 2 or integration

Last message date: Thursday, 12 November 2015 21:13:26 UTC