Solid CG Chair Election 2023: Chair Self-Nominations

Hello everyone,

This is an announcement about the CG chair election as per the Solid CG 
charter [1].

As part of the Solid CG Chair Election Procedure [2], we're currently in 
the phase where chair nominations are being accepted until 2023-11-28.

The charter specifies that individuals seeking election must 
self-nominate and provide a statement about their background and reasons 
for candidacy on the group's mailing list. More ways to engage with the 
CG are outlined in [2].

Chair candidates and voters might find the Self-Review Questionnaire for 
Chair Candidates [3] beneficial. There will be a dedicated topic in a CG 
weekly meeting for candidates if they would like to make a statement or 
answer questions from the community

If you have any questions or comments, please join us in chat [4] or CG 
weekly meeting [5].



Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2023 09:06:12 UTC