Re: social-ISSUE-20 (Collection Serialization): Represent Collections using JSON Text Sequences (RFC 7464)

On 03/11/2015 01:56 PM, Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> social-ISSUE-20 (Collection Serialization): Represent Collections using JSON Text Sequences (RFC 7464)
> Raised by: Erik Wilde
> On product: 
> it is not quite clear to me how github issues relate to w3c tracker issues, but it seems that the latter gets more visibility in IRC and other meetings. because of this, i am duplicating an issue from github to the w3c tracker. the original github issue URI is
> "Currently, AS collections must use a JSON array ( This can be cumbersome and problematic for scenarios with streaming activity data, and/or very large collections. One possibility would be to also allow JSON text sequences Since they have their own media type, standard HTTP mechanisms could be used between a client and a server to negotiate the supported/preferred format for collections."
Hi Erik,

I included your raised issue in proposed face 2 face agenda point about

I also linked to that ISSUE from "Streaming & Push" wiki page

To my understanding currently we don't focus on coming up with clear
recommendation. At the same time we want to capture various requirements
for that and make sure that we don't make any design choices which will
make it problematic to add it in near future.


Received on Sunday, 15 March 2015 13:03:41 UTC