[Bug 5479] edits discussed at Jan f2f


------- Comment #5 from virginia.smith@hp.com  2008-02-19 07:43 -------
comment #4 - fixed

comment #3 - this looks like a processing problem. The source does have these
schemas on separate lines. This is not substantive so I am moving this comment
to a new bug. 

comment #2 - fixed 1st point

Per discussion on 2/14 meeting, the following conformance paragraph was changed
A conforming SML model is valid if and only if it satisfies all of the
following conditions:

   1. In each instance document in the model, the [validity] property of the
root element and all of its attributes and descendants MUST NOT be "invalid"
when schema validity is assessed by a conforming schema-aware processor with
respect to the referenced XML Schema documents in the model's definition
documents. [XML Schema Structures]
   2. Each document in the model MUST satisfy all applicable Schematron
constraints when validated in the #ALL phase.
   3. Each document in the model MUST satisfy all normative statements in this
specification that pertain to model documents.


      This means, for example, that each document must satisfy all applicable
sml:acyclic, sml:target*, and SML identity constraints. 

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 07:43:57 UTC