[primer] Minor comments on the primer
[shape-map] new commits pushed by ericprud
[shape-map] new commits pushed by tombaker
[shex] language stem should respect langMatches semantics
[shex] new commits pushed by ericprud
[shex] new commits pushed by jimkont
[shex] No way to say "any language-tagged string"
[shex] Round tripping language tags case
[shex] Trailing dots in prefixed names
[shexTest] Pull Request: + tests for [shexSpec/shex#71]
[shexTest] Pull Request: ~ address data LangTag in [shexSpec/shex#71]
[shexTest] Pull Request: ~ address schema LangTag in [shexSpec/shex#71]
[spec] new commits pushed by ericprud
[spec] new commits pushed by hsolbrig
[spec] Pull Request: Language stem rfc4647
[spec] Pull Request: Modified grammar rule 169s <PN_LOCAL> according to issue #72
Closed: [shex] Trailing dots in prefixed names
Last message date: Tuesday, 24 October 2017 07:26:01 UTC