CFP: 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2011)
No TERM call today
ICBO conference article -
How are ontologies being used?
[bioportal-announce] REMINDER: NCBO User Group Meeting - July 25 at 12:00pm PT
Reminder: TM conference call
3rd CFP: ISWC'11 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2011)
Re: Today's BioRDF telcon
Ontologies Come of Age OCAS at ISWC2011
Web Publishing of Scientific Data and Services Training Course - Vancouver, BC
TM conference call
Reminder: LODD telcon 11AM ET / 5PM CET Today
Fwd: Callimachus Day on July 14
Re: Reminder - Scientific Discourse concall Mon., 11 Jun 2011, 10am EDT - Application Semantics via Rules in Open Vocabulary Executable English
Fwd: Discontinuing UK and FR dial-in numbers for Zakim
CFP: 7th Int. WS on Scalable SW Knowledge Bases (SSWS 2011)
Reminder: LODD telcon on Wednesday
Reminder: BioRDF telcon on Monday at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)
- Re: Reminder: BioRDF telcon on Monday at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)
- Re: Reminder: BioRDF telcon on Monday at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)
Re: HCLS Mission Statement
[bioportal-announce] BioPortal 3.1 Released
CFP: JBI Special Issue on Community-Driven Curation of Ontologies and Knowledge Bases in HealthCare and Life Sciences
CFP: Journal of Biomedical Informatics - Special Issue on Community-Driven Curation of Ontologies and Knowledge Bases in HealthCare and Life Sciences
GXA triples
CFP: Joint Workshop on Knowledge Evolution and Ontology Dynamics (EvoDyn 2011)
TM conference call
Fwd: [ncbo-annotator-users] API Key requirement
JIST2011 CFP: The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference
Fwd: [bioportal-announce] REMINDER: BioPortal User Survey - closes July 15
Invitation to participate in the Summit on Translational Bioinformatics 2012
Re: Minimum information about a mutation
Reminder: BioRDF telcon today at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)
No SciDis concall
- Scientific Discourse Meeting, July 11, 2011: Talk by Adrian Walker
- Scientific Discourse Meeting, July 25, 2011: Ping Wang, Rensellear Polytechnic: A Semantically-Enabled Provenance-Aware Water Quality Portal