[COI] Tcon today, April 13, Tuesday, 11:00-12:00 EDT
[COI] Tcon today, April 20, Tuesday, 11:00-12:00 EDT
[Fwd: W3C working group on bibliographic data and semantic web - details please]
ANN: OpenLink Virtuoso 6.1.1 (Open Source Edition) Release
Bio-Ontologies SIG at ISMB 2010 - Call for PAPERS and POSTERS [deadline at end of the week]
BioRDF Telcon
Call for Late Breaking Contributions: The 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW'2010)
Call for Papers - IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security (WPS 2010, 6 - 10 December 2010, Miami, USA)
Call for participation: FWCS 2010, April 26, Raleigh, U.S.A.
Catalog of Ontology Modeling Issues
esw wiki changed to media wiki
F2F meeting in Boston ?
FLoC 2010: Call for Participation
FLoC 2010: Student Travel Grants
Fwd: Replacement web IRC client
Fwd: Some notes from the Clinical Observation Interoperability (COI) telcon
Get-together at WWW2010 April 26
HCLS Gathering in Cambridge, MA
HCLS-SiG: Meeting Rhetorical Document Structure Group April 19th, 2010, 10 am EST, 3 PM GMT, 4 CET
KR 2010 registration ends next week!
LODD Telcon
Minutes for Scientific Discourse call
Minutes from HCLS telcon
Minutes of BioRDF call April 19, 2010
Monday evening get-together at WWW2010
NHIN CONNECT (US healthcare data exchange mechanism) and Semantic Data
No Scientific Discourse calls - week of Apr 12-16 - next call Monday Apr 19
ontologies for BioRDF and LODD datasets
OWLED 2010: Call for Papers
OWLED 2010: Deadline extension
post Bio-IT gathering room change
REMINDER: NCBO Webinar Series, April 21 - Bron Kisler, CDISC SHARE – Pathway into the Future for Standards Development and Delivery
Senior Research Engineer - Semantic Computing
TERM call at 12PM ET, 6PM CET?
TMO Minutes
TMO Telcon
TMO Telcon - the Vegan Vet
TMO Telcon Minutes
Translational Medicine Ontology Telcon
W3C Provenance Group report: "Requirements for Provenance on the Web"
W3C working group on bibliographic data and semantic web - details please
Last message date: Friday, 30 April 2010 13:42:19 UTC