from November 2009 by subject

2nd CFP: Workshop on Matching and Meaning: Automated development, evolution and interpretation of ontologies.

[TMO] rdf for patients 1 and 2

[TMO] Re: Choosing a use case for an Expert Query Browser

Action Items from call today

BioRDF breakout at F2F

BioRDF Telcon

Call for Papers/Workshop Proposals Participantion (GPC-10, UIC-10, MTPP-10, ICA3PP-10, FC-10, SMPE-10, FutureTech-10, BodyNets-10)

CFP Special Issue of the Journal of Web Semantics on Semantic Web Dynamics

CfPart - SWAT4LS Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences

Choosing a use case for an Expert Query Browser

COI next steps

Differentially Expressed Gene Lists

FLoC 2010: Call for Papers

HCLS Telcon Reminder

Introductions: Jodi Schneider, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland Galway

LODD datasets available via RelFinder

LODD Minutes

LODD Telcon

LODD/TMO Breakout at F2F

No Telcons for the remainder of the week

Now available on line: Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Web Applications in Scientific Discourse (SWASD 2009)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow ­ Semantic Infrastructures

Protege-OWL Short Course, March 24-26, 2010, Stanford University


REMINDER: NCBO Webinar - Maryann Martone, Nov. 4

Reminder: Sci Discourse call 11am EST: SWASD Followup

Reminder: Sci Discourse call 11am EST: SWASD Followup - Rhetorical Document

Scientific Discourse Telcon Minutes

Terminology Telcon Today

Translational medcine Ontology Telcon

Translational Medicine Ontology Telcon

Translational Medicine Ontology Telcon Minutes

Translational Medicine Telcon

Vacancy for a Computing Officer - Web Applications and Data Management - University of Oxford

Last message date: Monday, 30 November 2009 20:09:12 UTC