from August 2017 by subject

[presentation-api] Add more explanation to examples

[presentation-api] In receiver page, sandboxing flags do not fully block top-level navigation.

[remote-playback] [Meta] Guidance for HTMLMediaElement, HTMLAudioElement, HTMLVideoElement behaviors during remoting

[remote-playback] [meta] Publish Candidate Recommendation

[remote-playback] Add i18n-related informative notes about locale passing between devices

[remote-playback] Adjust notes to clarify informative/normative intent

[remote-playback] Adjust notes with normative content

[remote-playback] Fix #70: Note srclang hint to address i18n comment

[remote-playback] Internationalization considerations

[remote-playback] Mark Anton Vayvod as former editor.

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by anssiko

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by avayvod

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by mfoltzgoogle

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by mounirlamouri

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Add i18n-related informative notes about locale passing between devices

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Adjust notes to clarify informative/normative intent

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Fix #70: Note srclang hint to address i18n comment

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Mark Anton Vayvod as former editor.

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Remove RFC terms from the note

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Remove RFC terms from the note, continued

[remote-playback] Remove RFC terms from the note

[remote-playback] Remove RFC terms from the note, continued

[remote-playback] Should the ability to query by language or country be added to watchAvailability()

[remote-playback] Update SOTD to remove references to #41.

Anton is no longer the co-editor of the Remote Playback API spec

CfC: CR of Remote Playback API, review by 23 Aug

Closed: [remote-playback] Adjust notes with normative content

Closed: [remote-playback] Internationalization considerations

Closed: [remote-playback] Should the ability to query by language or country be added to watchAvailability()

CR of Remote Playback API, review by 23 Aug

Joint sessions at TPAC?

Joint sessions at TPAC? (was: F2F registration open (6-7 November in Burlingame, California, USA))

Open Screen Protocol & transports, TPAC joint session with Media & Ent. IG

Weekly github digest (Second Screen WG/CG repos)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 August 2017 08:19:51 UTC