Friday, 16 December 2016
- [Bug 28244] Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications
- [Bug 28244] Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications
Friday, 9 December 2016
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- RE: JSON-serializable object
- Re: JSON-serializable object
- JSON-serializable object
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Thursday, 3 November 2016
- [Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new
- [Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
- [Bug 29384] Remove [Unforgeable] for interfaces
- [Bug 27732] DOMException lost some constants.
- [Bug 29421] Should getters on a global without an explicit 'this' really throw TypeError?
- [Bug 27701] Enum should be allowed to end with comma
- [Bug 27301] Define context variables, such as "context object"
- [Bug 27301] Define context variables, such as "context object"
- [Bug 18908] Consider disallowing expandos on objects with a named getter but no named setter
- [Bug 18908] Consider disallowing expandos on objects with a named getter but no named setter
- [Bug 18908] Consider disallowing expandos on objects with a named getter but no named setter
- [Bug 26112] "then that gives the optional argument its defau..."
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Sunday, 23 October 2016
- [Bug 27732] DOMException lost some constants.
- [Bug 27732] DOMException lost some constants.
- [Bug 27732] DOMException lost some constants.
- [Bug 27732] DOMException lost some constants.
- [Bug 19988] add a [LenientFloat] to mean "ignore IDL attribute assignment or method call if a non-finite float is passed"
Saturday, 22 October 2016
- [Bug 26490] Prevent freezing/sealing objects by having [[PreventExtensions]] return false
- [Bug 24141] Consider the interaction of ArrayClass and concat()
- [Bug 27557] Consider introducing a prose-friendly way to refer to enumerations
- [Bug 26945] "throw an exception."
- [Bug 26944] "not return a value"
- [Bug 27732] DOMException lost some constants.
- [Bug 27605] [NewObject] and Promise
- [Bug 23604] Dictionaries should always be considered optional, with null as default value
- [Bug 20477] serializer grammar doesn't expose "attribute" as a valid value
- [Bug 23296] Serializer grammar productions missing closing ";"
- [Bug 23295] "attribute" serializer types missing from grammar
- [Bug 20361] Grammar is wrong for serializers
- [Bug 22947] Operation functions should not have a prototype property
- [Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new
- [Bug 22665] Wrong example for [TreatNonCallableAsNull]
- [Bug 20737] "Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method ..."
- [Bug 19988] add a [LenientFloat] to mean "ignore IDL attribute assignment or method call if a non-finite float is passed"
- [Bug 26490] Prevent freezing/sealing objects by having [[PreventExtensions]] return false
- [Bug 26490] Prevent freezing/sealing objects by having [[PreventExtensions]] return false
Friday, 21 October 2016
- [Bug 22845] Consider moving the overload resolution algorithm into its own section
- [Bug 24139] buglet in named property visibility algorithm
- [Bug 25700] Missing grammar for promise type
- [Bug 20225] don't allow overridden operations and attribute getters/setters to be invoked on descendant objects
- [Bug 23604] Dictionaries should always be considered optional, with null as default value
- [Bug 23532] Dealing with undefined
- [Bug 20456] wrong conversion
- [Bug 28057] Support Promise subclass
- [Bug 22509] Some way to express array as readonly and fixed length
- [Bug 27062] DOMException constructor should allow name to be supplied
- [Bug 29151] Clarify if assigning wrong enumeration value to an attribute should throw
- [Bug 23074] " If a “forEach” operation is defined, then Call..."
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Monday, 17 October 2016
- [Bug 26190] Sequence and OpenEndedDictionary should be distinguishable
- [Bug 27008] "Initializing objects from iterables" needs syntax
- [Bug 26190] Sequence and OpenEndedDictionary should be distinguishable
- [Bug 20158] Unrestricted typed dictionary
- Re: [geometry] DOMRectReadOnly serializer
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Friday, 14 October 2016
Thursday, 13 October 2016
- [Bug 25048] consider whether an IDL attribute of type Promise<T> should catch exceptions and wrap them up as a rejected Promise like they are for operations
- [Bug 25048] consider whether an IDL attribute of type Promise<T> should catch exceptions and wrap them up as a rejected Promise like they are for operations
- [Bug 25048] consider whether an IDL attribute of type Promise<T> should catch exceptions and wrap them up as a rejected Promise like they are for operations
- [Bug 25048] consider whether an IDL attribute of type Promise<T> should catch exceptions and wrap them up as a rejected Promise like they are for operations
- [Bug 20158] Unrestricted typed dictionary