from July to September 2016 by subject

[Bug 18547] Make all IDL methods/attributes have [ImplicitThis] behavior, and then get rid of [ImplicitThis]

[Bug 18878] [[NativeBrand]] of "Function" doesn't seem to exist in current ES6 drafts

[Bug 20158] Unrestricted typed dictionary

[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?

[Bug 22320] Form's supported property names should perhaps not be enumerable

[Bug 22391] Sequence or Array

[Bug 22806] Why special case Date and RegExp in #es-sequence

[Bug 22858] use @@hasInstance instead of [[HasInstance]]

[Bug 23534] freeze/seal/preventExtensions should throw for Nodes (and maybe any WebIDL interface)

[Bug 23602] "optional any" is nonsense that should be disallowed

[Bug 24291] Add a Promise type to WebIDL, and make it not distinguishable from anything

[Bug 24580] "Let cast be the original value of %Promise%.cast. "

[Bug 26425] Drop the default for [Exposed]

[Bug 26973] make iterable declarations' iterator prototype objects inherit from %IteratorPrototype%

[Bug 27008] "Initializing objects from iterables" needs syntax

[Bug 27284] Should InvalidAccessError be discouraged?

[Bug 28244] Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications

[Bug 28834] Clarify whether and how [EnforceRange] applies to union types

How to use [EnforceRange] with union types and enums

Using objects for a mapping argument

WebIDL crawler

Last message date: Friday, 30 September 2016 10:32:21 UTC