Re: Spec for [Global] does not seem to be quite web-compatible, and none of the UAs are really compatible with each other

On 12/22/13 2:40 AM, Garrett Smith wrote:
> So if the window.performance API was not `undefined` in, say a browser
> that supports none of the prior, then the VariableStatement `var
> performance` would then cause it to be, is that it? And that the
> initialiser would then potentially get to the bottom of that list and
> find window.performance, which now points to that var, and not another
> object.

If the "performance" property is somewhere up the proto chain that's 
what would happen, yes.

>>     var onload;
>>     (function() {
>>       onload = { foo: "bar"; };
>>       doSomething(onload);
>>     })();
>> Some instances of this pattern have a "var onload" inside the function,
>> but some do not, and it's the latter that are problematic.
> Because `onload` now holds the value `undefined`?

No, because the assignment above, if it actually sets the IDL "onload" 
property, sets it to null.

> Of those that do not, what do they do?

They end up setting window.onload to null and then passing null to 

> Is there any other way to make Identifier Resolution search first for
> variables added to the VariableEnvironment.

I'm not trying to make any changes to how ES identifier resolution works 
here.  I think we want to limit the extent of the craziness we have to 
deal with, and hacking identifier resolution for this case is more than 
I'm interested in doing.  ;)


Received on Sunday, 22 December 2013 08:03:57 UTC