Re: Spec for [Global] does not seem to be quite web-compatible, and none of the UAs are really compatible with each other

On 12/21/13, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> The current specification for [Global] says that all IDL attributes are
> defined on the object itself, not its proto, to prevent accidental
> shadowing of things by vars in situations like this:
>    var performance = window.mozPerformance ||
>                      window.webkitPerforamnce ||
>                      window.oPerforamnce ||
>                      window.msPerformance ||
>                      window.performance;

So if the window.performance API was not `undefined` in, say a browser
that supports none of the prior, then the VariableStatement `var
performance` would then cause it to be, is that it? And that the
initialiser would then potentially get to the bottom of that list and
find window.performance, which now points to that var, and not another

> However when we tried implementing this in Gecko, we encountered a
> problem with the Dell website due to the use of the following pattern
> (spread over multiple JS files, actually, but I'm condensing it for
> clarity):
>    var onload;
>    (function() {
>      onload = { foo: "bar"; };
>      doSomething(onload);
>    })();
> Some instances of this pattern have a "var onload" inside the function,
> but some do not, and it's the latter that are problematic.
Because `onload` now holds the value `undefined`? Of those that do
not, what do they do?

> In the current Gecko implementation, the "onload" property lives on
> Window.prototype, so the global var declaration shadows it and
> everything works.  But if we follow the current spec and move the
> property to the global object directly, then the var does nothing (since
> the property is already defined), and the assignment invokes the setter
> for the property.  The property is marked as only accepting
> EventHandler, which is a callback type that treats non-callables as
> null.  The upshot is that doSomething is called with null as the
> argument instead of the actual object it expects.
> I tested what other UAs do with this situation, and it goes like this:
> Chrome: Seems to put on* properties on Window.prototype, even though
> other Window properties (e.g. "performance") go directly on the global
> object.  It's not clear to me how Chrome decides where to place which
> properties; I would love an explanation of how that's decided.
> Safari: Puts the "onload" property directly on the global, but allows
> assigning _any_ object to it (and in fact to all event handler
> properties), not just callables, which makes the above code work.
> Opera (Presto-based): Has the same behavior as current Gecko: just puts
> the IDL properties on Window.prototype.
> IE9 and IE11: Puts the IDL properties on Window.prototype like
> Gecko/Presto _and_ allows assigning arbitrary non-callable objects like
> Safari.
> The obvious question here is what the spec should say.
> Do we want to move some but not all of the global's properties back to
> the proto chain?  If so, which ones?  Should it be a whitelist (i.e.
> annotate the properties that go on the proto) or a blacklist (annotate
> the properties that go on the object)?  Or should we just give up
> putting things on the object directly and simply spec on Window that all
> UAs must support all prefixed variants of the properties that need to be
> supported with prefixes to avoid the var problem described at the
> beginning of this mail?
> Any other bright ideas?

Is there any other way to make Identifier Resolution search first for
variables added to the VariableEnvironment.

Received on Sunday, 22 December 2013 07:40:47 UTC