Re: Spec for [Global] does not seem to be quite web-compatible, and none of the UAs are really compatible with each other

On 12/22/13, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> On 12/22/13 2:40 AM, Garrett Smith wrote:
>> So if the window.performance API was not `undefined` in, say a browser
>> that supports none of the prior, then the VariableStatement `var
>> performance` would then cause it to be, is that it? And that the
>> initialiser would then potentially get to the bottom of that list and
>> find window.performance, which now points to that var, and not another
>> object.
> If the "performance" property is somewhere up the proto chain that's
> what would happen, yes.
>>>     var onload;
>>>     (function() {
>>>       onload = { foo: "bar"; };
>>>       doSomething(onload);
>>>     })();
>>> Some instances of this pattern have a "var onload" inside the function,
>>> but some do not, and it's the latter that are problematic.
>> Because `onload` now holds the value `undefined`?
> No, because the assignment above, if it actually sets the IDL "onload"
> property, sets it to null.
Simple assignment to onload = { foo: "bar"; }; should be a
SyntaxError. And it is an early error, so the entire program is

If Window.prototype.onload was initially null, and window did not have
an own onload property, then `var onload` either must:
a) Create a variable onload and give it the value `undefined`, as per HTML5
b) Don't.

>> Of those that do not, what do they do?
> They end up setting window.onload to null and then passing null to
> doSomething.
>> Is there any other way to make Identifier Resolution search first for
>> variables added to the VariableEnvironment.
> I'm not trying to make any changes to how ES identifier resolution works
> here.  I think we want to limit the extent of the craziness we have to
> deal with, and hacking identifier resolution for this case is more than
> I'm interested in doing.  ;)

If onload exists in the prototype chain, and the VariableEnvironment's
onload is not given the value `undefined`, then what is going on?

How can you avoid craziness when the global object and the global
VariableEnvironment are the same object, and the global object has a
prototype chain? This and the GlobalScopePolluter aren't adequately

The global object as an Object with a prototype chain hearkens to a
problem in BlackBerry9000 browser, which created an Object object for
the ActivationObject (what is now called a Environment Record).

The erratum in must
be followed so that var statements at the top level of scripts can
shadow any properties from the global object’s prototype chain.

Received on Thursday, 26 December 2013 05:12:55 UTC