Re: Comics and periodicals, call for feedback: round 2 (was Re: Comics and periodicals in

Does this mean that there's no field in which one can simply store the number of pages to an article/story?  In modern US comics, ads are interleaved with story pages and Marvel and DC in particular have gone through phases of barely allowing more than two or three consecutive pages without an ad being thrown in.  This is one reason why the GCD tracks page count instead of specific page numbers (although the latter has also been suggested).  GCD users are generally more interested in how long the story is rather than how much it was chopped up by ads.


> From: Dan Scott <>
>So, in the interest of both incorporating one of the good bits of
>Karen's counter-proposal (endPage and startPage properties), and
>aligning ourselves more closely with the Bibliographic Ontology (Bibo)
>[1] per Ross Singer's suggestion, I would like to suggest a change to
>the name and definition of the pagination property, along with the
>addition of pageEnd and pageStart properties.
>This is a small change that would consist of the following four actions:
>a. Add "pageEnd" and "pageStart" properties per Bibo everywhere that
>"pagination" has been added. We might as well keep the same name that
>Bibo uses, and this helps group the pagination-related properties in
> documentation. These properties are used to define the
>start and end pages for documents (articles and periodical issues for
>the scope of this proposal) that have consecutively numbered pages.
>Their range would be Text.
>b. Change the name of the "pagination" property to "pageNumbers". Bibo
>uses "pages", but "page numbers" was used more frequently than
>"pagination" in the MLA and APA style guides that I consulted. [2]
>c. Change the definition of the "pageNumbers" property to reflect that
>it is to be used to describe the pages for documents that do not run
>across consecutively numbered pages (for example, "1-6, 9, 55").
>d. Align bibo:pageEnd, bibo:pageStart, and bibo:pageNumbers to
>schema:pageEnd, schema:pageStart, and schema:pageNumbers via sameAs
>assertions in the RDFS.
>1. and
>, but
> offers a human readable HTML

Received on Saturday, 14 December 2013 06:34:24 UTC