[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 21 July
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon July 28
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon July 7
[Core] All_builtins test case (ACTION-845)
[PRD] Another schema problem
[PRD] Assert and AssertRetract test cases (ACTION-845)
[PRD] Fix small schema bug
[PRD] fixed another schema bug
[RIF] minutes of 28 July 2009 telecon
[RIF] xml serializations for Import
[RIF][Admin] Minutes Telecon 7 July 2009
ACTION-890 (answer FAQ 3.8) complete
Actions completed
AW: [PRD] Assert and AssertRetract test cases (ACTION-845)
AW: AW: [PRD] Assert and AssertRetract test cases (ACTION-845)
Early Bird Registration ends 31st July - 5th i-Semantics 2009/4th AIS SigPrag Int. Pragmatic Web
I need help to publish drafts
Minutes from RIF telecon 21st July 2009
need "Summary of Changes", change log, before publication
prd refraction
RIF Last Call (published)
RIF Working Group releases "last call" documents
some test cases reviewed
SPARQL F&R first public WD
Version 0 of the 'RIF+XML data' document "nouvelle maniere"
Last message date: Wednesday, 29 July 2009 07:31:50 UTC