from September 2012 by subject

@type attribute on <source> elements

[whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

Adaptive Image Element Proposal

Alt content [ was: “Adaptive Image Element Proposal”, now off HTML WG list ]

Alt content [ was: ³Adaptive Image Element Proposal², now off HTML WG list ]

Cloud Four FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

David Clements FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

Documenting use cases, and how the differing responsive images proposals address them.

Evident FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

Feedback on Responsive Images Extension

Imazen FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

John Albin Wilkins FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

Matt Wilcox FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

Orestis Webdevelopment FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification

Respondu 0.0.4 - Up to date with proposed picture sytax [via Responsive Images Community Group]

Survey on Community and Business Group Experience [reminder]

Last message date: Friday, 28 September 2012 17:23:11 UTC