Re: Adaptive Image Element Proposal

Hi Adrian and all,

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Adrian Roselli
<> wrote:
>> From: Mathew Marquis []

> I don't take Laura's message to say that @alt should appear on both <picture> and <img>, just that the ARIA role isn't a fit. I only mention this because I didn't read her message as an endorsement of a double-@alt, just on @alt over ARIA.

That is correct.

> I'd rather see <picture>'s fallback rely on the existing momentum <img> has with its @alt -- just rely on <img> to be the fallback both for the alternate image and the @alt text. Leave @alt off <picture> altogether.


> I am also trying to look at this in a vacuum, without bringing <figure> into play and without drawing comparisons to <object> and <canvas>, partly because so many young web devs I know have no concept of how those elements work and aren't in a position to make the same analogous connections we are..
> Or am I missing something fundamental here?

I don't think so. The simpler the solution the better.  Complexity
confuses and leads to errors. This is especially true when complexity
is imposed directly on run of the mill  authors/web designers. Build
on the success of alt for the SHORT description.

As an on-page or off-page LONG description, full semantics are
provided with longdesc. And as soon as ISSUE-30 is settled
successfully, it could be made available to <picture>. Or the picture
element could allow for semantic programmatically determinable in-page
rich text long description, if a description element was added to the

<img src="image.jpg" alt="text alternative">
<desc>structured rich text description with headings, lists, tables, etc.</desc>

Best Regards,
Laura L. Carlson

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 20:49:27 UTC