Re: Review of RDFa Core 1.1 (Dec. 15th 2011)


I have integrated most of your comments.  My notes are inline below.  
Manu and Ivan, there are questions for you inline.

As always, the updated draft is at

I am going to push a version into datespace now so there can be 
diffmarks from the last published version.  I will send out mail when 
that is ready.

On 1/18/2012 10:49 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> This is a review of the RDFa Core 1.1 specification dated December 15th
> 2011. I reviewed the document checking for grammar, spelling and
> technical concerns. It took 5 hours to read the entire document and
> comment on it... I would expect it to take longer for someone reading
> the document for the first time. I don't think that's a good thing, but
> don't think we should remove anything from the document either.
> Thanks again to the editors of this document (as well as the rest of the
> documents), and especially to Shane, for sticking with it for so long,
> always being on top of things, and for being an all around great guy...
> the entire WG owes you a beer (or five hundred). I only found one thing
> that could be a non-editorial issue and it's really not that big of an
> issue.
> Abstract
> --------
> The Abstract is still not succinct. I vaguely remember promising to
> provide an alternate and I have yet to do so. :(
>> already available in the markup language (e.g., XHTML)
> I think we should just use "HTML" here instead of "XHTML" because it is
> our largest target market. (yes a little bit of me just died suggesting
> that)


>> please consult the RDFa Primer.
> RDFa Primer link is wrong, use this one instead:


> How to Read this Document
> -------------------------
>> then you may find the RDFa Primer [RDFA-PRIMER]
> Link is wrong, reference is wrong in bibliography, point to the new RDFa
> Primer. This is the case throughout the document, I'm sure once you
> clean up the bibliography that all references will take care of 
> themselves.


> 2. Syntax Overview
> ------------------
> The note at the end needs to be updated to Jeni's new text.


> 2.1 The RDFa Attributes
> -----------------------
> In hindsight, I think we should've named "CURIEs" - "SIRIs", for "Short
> IRI". I hesitate to say that we should do this now because of everyone
> that knows what a CURIE is at this point... and all the other specs that
> it's gone into. I'm on the fence... I think SIRI would be best
> long-term... maybe.

Not gonna happen

> 2.2 Examples
> ------------
>> it's possible with RDFa to indicate the type of that item using
>> @typeof:
> Hmm, this example is a bit mis-leading as it creates a new bnode and the
> data isn't associated with the page anymore. Maybe we should use the
> book example w/o @typeof and the book example with @typeof to
> demonstrate @typeof. So, the example below this one is moved up and
> @typeof is removed, the next example should also be the book example,
> but with @typeof added.


> 3.2 Triples
> -----------
>> The second part of a triple is the property
> Should 'property' be italicized to match the style for 'subject' above?


>> These are more usually called predicates in RDF.
> The sentence is a bit strange... maybe:
> "These properties are typically called /predicates/ in RDF."


> 3.3 IRI references
> ------------------
> Should "references" be capitalized?


>> the predicate
> Terminology issue - I think we should be using "property" here and in
> the rest of the document when referring to "predicate"s. I think it's
> easier for people to grasp what a property is without having to learn
> about RDF's strange language.

I don't want to make this change now.  I put in a note about it.

>> 'Friend of a Friend' taxonomy.
> We should use "vocabulary" instead of "taxonomy" here.


> 3.9 Markup Fragments and RDFa
> -----------------------------
>> (A good example of the latter is the licensing fragment provided by
>> Creative Commons.)
> Does this entire sentence need to be parenthetical? Probably not.


> 3.10 A description of RDFa in RDF terms
> ---------------------------------------
> Does the title need to be capitalized?


>> The aim of RDFa is to allow a single RDF graph to be carried in
>> various types of document markup. An RDF graph comprises nodes linked
>> by relationships.
> May want to switch the second sentence the first sentence - we use the
> definition before it is defined.


>> the predicate is always
> Change to "the property is always"?


> 4.1 RDFa Processor Conformance
> ------------------------------
> The start of the section is slightly confusing. It says an RDFa
> processor MUST make a single output graph available, but then describes
> this thing called the processor graph - does an RDFa processor need to
> make that available too? Is that a MAY? I'm pretty sure we intended it
> to be a MAY. So, you might want to reword this to say an RDFa processor
> MUST make at least the output graph available and MAY make the processor
> graph available.


> 4.3 XML+RDFa Document Conformance
> ---------------------------------
> This is non-editorial. I don't think people will do this:
>> The document must use the attributes defined in this specification
>> through references to the XHTML namespace
>> (
> I think they'll use the RDFa attributes in the 'no namespace' context...
> and I think the spec should say that doing that is fine. If people don't
> want to do that, then they can use the XHTML namespace.

Changed as per working group resolution last week.

> 5. Attributes and Syntax
> ------------------------
>> a traditionally navigable URI for expressing
> This should be IRI, no? There are other mentions of URI in this section
> that we'd want to change to IRI.


>> property ... used for expressing relationships between a subject and
>>  some literal text
> This is no longer true as @property can be used for resources as well.


>> An attribute (value ignored)
> Move the parenthetical out into another sentence to make it more clear
> about what "value ignored" means.


>> Causes a list to be created if it does not already exist
> Missing a period at the end of the sentence.


> 7.1 Overview
> ------------
> 2nd Note - we may want to mention something about the processor graph 
> here?


> 7.4 CURIE and IRI Processing
> ----------------------------
>> In RDFa these mappings are expressed using the XML namespace syntax:
> Not anymore, they're not! :)


>> The author is free to split the IRI at any point, as long as it
>> begins at the left end.
> I don't know what "begins at the left end" means. Do we need that? Why
> isn't "The author is free to split the IRI at any point." good enough?


> 7.5 Sequence - Step 2
> ---------------------
>> In such a case, setting @vocab to the empty value has the effect of
>> clearing the local default vocabulary.
> I don't think this is clear enough. If the @vocab is set via the default
> vocabulary, it is cleared? Or if it is set to something, it is cleared?
> My assumption is that if you do vocab='' it is cleared in all cases,
> even if a default vocabulary is specified.

No.  vocab='' resets to the host language default.  It is the only way 
you can be certain you are at a known baseline when embedding a 
fragment, for example.

> 7.5 Sequence - Step 2
> ---------------------
>> Note that a IRI mapping will simply overwrite
> /an/ IRI mapping


> 7.5 Sequence - Step 5.1
> -----------------------
>> but does not contains neither the @content nor @datatype attributes
> but does not /contain either/ the @content /or the/ @datatype /attribute/


>> is set the IRI from the first value
> is set /to/ the IRI ?


> 7.5 Sequence - Step 5.2
> -----------------------
>> otherwise:
> No need to italicize this.

Actually, I changed it so they are ALL italicized.  I like that it 
stresses there is a choice.

>> contains a @about
> contains /an/ @about


> 7.5 Sequence - Step 11
> ----------------------
> This step made my brain hurt... the new algorithm feels twice as
> complicated as the old one due to the RDFa Lite 1.1 changes. I don't
> think there is any way we can simplify it without getting folks upset
> about dropped features.

Nothing to be done.

> 7.5 Sequence - Step 12
> ----------------------
>> This list is iterated and is and each of the predicates is used
> This list is iterated and /DELETE/ each of the predicates is used


> 7.5 Sequence - Step 12
> ----------------------
>> For each IRI in the local list mapping, if the equivalent list does
>> not exist in the evaluation context, indicating that the list was
>> originally defined on the current element, use the list as follows
> Awkward sentence is awkward.


>> For each pair of bnode and IRI from the list the following triple
> For each /bnode-IRI pair/ in the list/,/ the following triple

Restructured, but it is still awkward.

> 7.6 Processor Status
> --------------------
>> The processor graph is designed as a possible mechanism
> The processor graph is designed as the mechanism


>> generation of a processor graph,
> Missing <tref>


>> host language
> Host Language should be capitalized like it is in the rest of the
> document, no?


>> rdfa:Info, rdfa:Warning, or rdfa:Error triples may
> We should have <code> elements around rdfa:Info / rdfa:Warning / etc.


> 7.6.2 Processor Graph Terms
> ---------------------------
>> Other, implementation-specific subclasses
> Unnecessary comma


> 7.7 Vocabulary Expansion
> ------------------------
>> Processors may perform limited RDFS entailment rules to perform
>> vocabulary expansion
> rephrase:
> Processors MAY perform vocabulary expansion by utilizing limited RDFS
> entailment rules,


> 8.1 Changing the evaluation context
> -----------------------------------
> capitalization issue


> The current document
> ----------------------------
> In section 8, we say "The examples are all written using XHTML+RDFa.",
> but then we use plain 'ol HTML5 in the examples. We may just want to say
> that the examples are written in "HTML+RDFa".

Actually, I ensured they are all XHTML+RDFa.  We don't want a dependency 

>> In (X)HTML the value of base may change the initial value of current
>>  subject:
> This isn't an XHTML document, is it? No xmlns declaration?


>> <> foaf:primaryTopic <#bbq> .
> This triple is wrong, no? #bbq should be
> ?


> Typing resources with @typeof
> -------------------------------------
>> <div  about=
> In space, no one can hear you scream.


> 8.3.1 Object resolution for the @property attribute
> ---------------------------------------------------
> The image is too small to make out what it says.

Ivan - suggestions???

> Using @href or @src
> ---------------------------
> May want to make this "Using @href or @src to set the subject"?


> 8.4 List generation
> -------------------
> capitalization issue "List Generation"


> We use "dc:creator" in this section and use text strings and IRIs for
> the object. The range of dc:creator in dcterms is supposed to be an IRI,
> specifically a
> I suggest we use IRIs for all three authors.

Would love to - no idea how.  Help Manu?

>> elements are resources and not literal.
> elements are resources and not literal/s/.


> 10.1 Details of the RDFa Vocabulary Expansion
> ---------------------------------------------
>> Applications usually do not require those additional information.
> s/those/any of this/


> 10.1.1 RDFa Vocabulary Entailment
> ---------------------------------
>> and is based on the RDF-Based Semantics of OWL[
> missing space between OWL and [


>> and it considers
> Sentence starts with "and", rephrase.


>> In particular, the relevant rules are (using the rule identifications
>> in section 4.3 of [OWL2-PROFILES]):
> rephrase:
> The relevant rules are, using the rule identifications in section 4.3 of


> 10.2 Vocabulary Expansion Control of RDFa Processors
> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Conforming RDFa processors are NOT required to provide vocabulary
>> expansion.
> NOT doesn't need to be capitalized, does it?

Nope.  Fixed.

> A. CURIE Datatypes
> ------------------
>> A single curie
> CURIE should be capitalized here?

No - it is a reference to the production rule in the grammar.

>> A white space separated list of CURIEs
> No <tref> for CURIE?


>> A CURIE or a IRI
> External definition link doesn't go anywhere or do anything or say
> anything helpful by hovering.

Yeah - not sure what to do about that.  Looking into it.

>> A single safe_curie
> underscores are weird in this context, also shouldn't CURIE be 
> capitalized?

No.  Again, reference to production in the grammar.

> A.1 XML Schema Definition
> -------------------------
>> <xs:simpleType name="CURIEorIRI"> <xs:union memberTypes="xh11d:CURIE
>> xs:anyURI" />
> xs:anyURI isn't the exact same lexical space as IRI, is it?

Yes, in this case we are okay

> B.2 Processor Graph Reporting
> -----------------------------
>> "is the
> We start a number of these dc:descriptions with the phrase "is the" when
> we should just be using "The".


>> error condition; warning;
> We should be using complete sentences here as well. "A warning to be
> used...", "An error condition to be used...", etc. Shane, could you
> please make a full pass for grammar on this section?


>> B.3 Term for vocabulary expansion
>> "provides a
> Capitalize the first letter in the sentence, add a period to the end of
> the sentence.


> C. Acknowledgments
> ------------------
> This list needs to be updated, probably to this:
> Stéphane Corlosquet, Massachusetts General Hospital
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Gregg Kellogg (Invited Expert)
> Niklas Lindström (Invited Expert)
> Shane McCarron, Applied Testing and Technology, Inc. (Invited Expert)
> Steven Pemberton, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
> Manu Sporny, Digital Bazaar (Chair, Invited Expert)

Fixed, but the list looks short to me.

Shane McCarron
Managing Director, Applied Testing and Technology, Inc.
+1 763 786 8160 x120

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 23:22:40 UTC