Re: Last Call Response to ISSUE-73: RDFa Profile management

On 02/27/11 18:47, Shane McCarron wrote:
>> 1. Always load the RDFa Core 1.1 default profile first.
>> 2. If an "application/xhtml+xml" or "text/html" MIMEType is detected,
>>    load the HTML+RDFa 1.1 default profile.
>> Step #1 will be placed into the RDFa Core 1.1 specification. Step #2
>> will be placed into the (X)HTML Host Language specifications.
> I actually DISAGREE with this.  I think it is more sensible to have the
> processor determine the media type, then act accordingly.  In fact, we
> had already introduced text that supports that model [1]:

Apologies - the text I wrote above was confusing at best. During the
telecon, I believe that we agreed to a general approach but left some of
the implementation details a bit vague with the assumption that we would
sort them out at a later point in time.

Let me attempt to clarify what I believe would work for everyone by
asserting a few things:

 * It is ultimately the Host Language's decision on which Default
   Profiles to load.
 * Which profiles to load will be determined by the MIMEType of the
   document being processed if it is known. If the MIMEType is not
   known, XML+RDFa will be assumed.
 * Before processing, XML+RDFa will load the ".../rdfa-1.1" Default
   Profile before processing.
 * Before processing, (X)HTML+RDFa 1.1 will load the ".../rdfa-1.1"
   Default Profile first, and then the ".../html-rdfa-1.1" Default
   Profile second.

Since we are currently writing the Host Language documents for XML,
HTML4, HTML5, and XHTML1 - we don't have to worry about potential
divergence between those languages.

It is up to the ODF, ePub, and SVG folks to figure out if this strategy
works for them - which is how it should be. We shouldn't assume that we
know what is best for any other Host Language with which we're not
intimately familiar.

There is a concern over multiple HTTP requests to get two profiles vs.
one, but I would expect that implementations will take care to cache
this sort of data.

I'll add this to the agenda for this week, just so we can make sure
there is consensus on this. If anybody disagrees with this approach,
please speak up now.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Towards Universal Web Commerce

Received on Monday, 28 February 2011 17:17:45 UTC