Re: Labelled graphs

On 24 Apr 2012, at 13:04, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>> * When the same label is used multiple times in the same dataset, the
>>> graph is
>>> assumed to be the union of the graphs labeled with it
> This is the "partial-graph semantics" view, which I can live with, but
> some people have expressed opposition.  We should probably try some
> straw polling on it.

The choice here needs to be made carefully, to avoid unintended consequences on implementations, and data generation processes.

The corner cases are around bNodes (aren't they always), e.g.

<G1> {
  <a> <b> _:b1 .
<G1> {
  <c> <d> _:b1 .
<G2> {
  <c> <d> _:b1 .

Is that one, two, or three bNodess, an error, undefined, or...?

If it's an RDF Union between graphs then there's one bNode, between graphs with the same label, then there's two, if it's a Merge, then there's three (I believe).

Internally our systems maintain a map from bNode labels to internal skolem constants when parsing (noting that not all systems do this, but many do), and it would be good to be able to discard that map when we hit a "}" token.

If we have either kind of union semantics that map can get extremely large when parsing a large TriG file, and more to the point you have to maintain a set of maps for all graphs in the document, just incase the graph is mentioned again further down the document.

- Steve

>>> The appears to be in line to the 6.1 design, with some
>>> modifications/specializations.
> I wonder if we can't adopt something close to 6.1, close pretty much all
> the open GRAPHS issues, then open a few new ones, like
> partial-vs-complete-graph semantics and whether/how to define
> GraphContainer.
>    -- Sandro
>>> Guus
>> (sorry for the delay - was not at work)
>> Guus - nice summary.
>> 	Andy

Steve Harris, CTO
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Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 10:09:33 UTC