Re: Labelled graphs

On 24/04/12 13:04, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> (mostly agreement, a few details)
> On Tue, 2012-04-24 at 12:03 +0100, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> On 17/04/12 16:59, Guus Schreiber wrote:
>> ...
>>> An attempt at formulating a possible conclusion/consensus from this thread:
>>> * Non-typed labels are simply associations, no special semantics
> There are some semantics, though: the label IRI (or blank node) denotes
> something (maybe call it a "labeling object"), and that something is
> associated with the graph.

Given the "something" indirection, whether that counts as "semantics" or 
not is a bit moot to me.  It's "no fixed semantics".

The absolute minimum is to be able to ship a trig file, so 
syntax+labels.  Given this very low level building block, treating 
datasets as just a packing format, and it's graphs that carry semantics. 
  From there, the rest can be built on top because it's based on adding 

> This differs from SPARQL Datasets, where
> the label IRI is directly associated with the graph.

To quote SPARQL 1.0:
the relationship between an IRI and a graph in an RDF dataset
is indirect.

> The difference doesn't show up in normal SPARQL, but would be visible if
> there was reasoning, such as with owl:sameAs.   See these test cases:
>>> * Typed labels: we do not seem to come up with more than these two:
>>> 1. The label is typed as a rdf:StaticGraphContainer:
>>> the graph labeled is a g-snap of the label URL
> I'm not convinced we can make this kind of definition work right, but
> I'm not opposed to trying.  It will have to bring TAG language into the
> RDF specs for the first time.   I'm also not sure we need "Static",
> since the RDF view is still that the universe is static.

And that's part of the whole issue :-)


>>> 2. The label is types as a rdf:Graph:
>>> the label denotes the graph it labels
> Yes.
>>> * When the same label is used multiple times in the same dataset, the
>>> graph is
>>> assumed to be the union of the graphs labeled with it
> This is the "partial-graph semantics" view, which I can live with, but
> some people have expressed opposition.  We should probably try some
> straw polling on it.
>>> The appears to be in line to the 6.1 design, with some
>>> modifications/specializations.
> I wonder if we can't adopt something close to 6.1, close pretty much all
> the open GRAPHS issues, then open a few new ones, like
> partial-vs-complete-graph semantics and whether/how to define
> GraphContainer.
>      -- Sandro
>>> Guus
>> (sorry for the delay - was not at work)
>> Guus - nice summary.
>>  Andy

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:06:19 UTC