Re: Summary: Annotation Syntax Proposals

> As Andy pointed out, neither N-Triples* nor N-Quads* are expected to
> have the triple syntax, so again, its position after the object will not
> cause problem in N-Quads.

Fair point indeed

> > << :subject :predicate :object >>  :source :URL . -> 3 parts
> > {| :subject :predicate :object |}  :source :URL  . -> 3 parts
> I assume that what you are suggesting here is the {| ... |} are like <<
> ... >> + assertion.
> The main drawback I see to this is that we can no longer factorize the
> terms of the asserted triples, as in
> :s :p1 :o1 {| :source :URL1 |},
>         :o2 {| :source :URL2 |};
>     :p2 :o3 {| :source URL3 |}.

That makes sense!

> > Something that has four parts reads like a quad to me. But this is
> > just personal preference.
> I sympathize with that, but I personally find this trade-off to have
> more pros than cons.

No real objection here. I can agree with the points made.
That said, I'd still not use { }. If any, just use :s :p1 :o1 | :source
:URL1 |.

>    pa

Received on Thursday, 21 January 2021 16:18:10 UTC