Re: Review of RDF Concepts

good afternoon;

upon further reflection there are additional issues which need discussion.

3.5 Triple Terms :

this section would benefit from a description of term equality for triple terms.
the current text leaves the reader to project that it is to be determined recursively on the basis of the equality of constituent terms, but there are other aspects of the document while limit the inferences to be drawn from the constituent terms' identities.

in general : 

the abstract grammar permits triple terms in the subject position and my memory of discussions from the semantics group is that this issue is undecided.
the concepts document, however, does not include triple terms as possible subjects.

best regards, from berlin,

> On 15. Jan 2025, at 19:29, James Anderson <> wrote:
> there are other aspects of the document which would benefit from editorial changes.
> the descriptions should be consolidated rather than split between the enumerating list and the subsequent paragraphs.
> the document would be easier to read and understand if each descriptive item paragraph is complete.
> the description of the zero case should be introduced in the initial paragraph and folded into the enumerating list.
> 4.NOTE
> SPARQL 1.1 Query Language allows RDF Graphs to be identified using an IRI only.
> best regards, from berlin,
>> On 15. Jan 2025, at 18:36, James Anderson <> wrote:
>> in section 3.3, the modification to replace MUST with SHOULD in this passage
>>> Implementations SHOULD accept ill-typed literals and produce RDF graphs from them.
>> should be reverted.
>>> On 15. Jan 2025, at 14:59, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>>> My review:
>>>  Andy
>> ---
>> james anderson | |
> ---
> james anderson | |

james anderson | |

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2025 11:40:21 UTC