Re: voting against use of rdf:ReificationProperty

> On 5 Sep 2024, at 00:34, William Van Woensel <> wrote:
> But, in your custom reification, you can do what you want; e.g., you could have a single <tt> (for triple term) instance to represent an RDF 1.2 reification:
> <statement_1> rdf:reifies <<( <s> <p> <<( <x> <y> <z> )>> )>> . # RDF 1.2 reification
> <tt_x> a my:TripleTerm # custom reification
>  my:subject <s> ;
>  my:predicate <p> ;
>  my:object <tt_y> ;
>  my:reifier <statement_1> ;
>  my:reificationProperty rdf:reifies .
> <tt_y> a my:TripleTerm
>  my:subject <x> ;
>  my:predicate <y> ;
>  my:object <z> . 
> Then you can have:
> <statement_1> rdf:reifies <<( <a> <b> <c> )>> .
> <statement_2> rdf:reifies <<( <s> <p> <<( <x> <y> <z> )>> )>> .
> With e.g., 
> <tt_z> a my: TripleTerm
>  my:subject <a> ;
>  my:predicate <b> ;
>  my:object <c> ;
>  my:reifier <statement_1> ;
>  my:reificationProperty rdf:reifies .
> Etc, without losing information, I think.
> In hindsight - this "custom reification" is starting to look pretty close to an abstract syntax tree of your RDF 1.2 statements…

I completely agree with William’s analysis.
In RDF-star, whenever you want to ‘structurally unpack’ a reification statement involving a triple term using something similar to classical reification, you have to inductively unpack all the triple terms appearing in the statement.

Received on Monday, 9 September 2024 08:06:42 UTC