Syntax for reifier declarations

As part of discussions in the Semantics Task Force on Friday 
(2014-07-26), there was a section that included syntax for declaring 
reifier and reifier identifiers without needing to immediately use the 
ids in other triples. Without declaration forms, the user may need to 
write rdf:reifies triples directly in Turtle.

    :s :p :o | :r .

which is the triples:

    :s :p :o .
    :r rdf:reifies <<(:s :p :o )>> .

and what has been up-to-now:

    << :r | :s :p :o >> .

which is the triple:

    :r rdf:reifies <<(:s :p :o )>> .

this latter declaration has been mentioned before deep in an email thread.

There is a discussion on Turtle syntax including exploring ways to have 
a uniform approach to writing reifier ids on rdf-turtle/pull/51 [1] and 
addressing declarations at comment [2] onwards.



Received on Monday, 29 July 2024 21:36:52 UTC