Re: Proposal for RDF-star Minimal Baseline - Agenda item for this week's plenary

My view is that triples are like complex numbers or cartesian coordinates in 
that there are no non-trivial equalities between them.
So just like the complex number equality
(5, 7) = (5, ?x)
implies ?x=7
<:a :b 7> = <:a :b ?x>
implies ?x=7
and not like fractions where
5/7 = ?y/?x
does not imply that ?y=5 and ?x=7

I can't imagine a view of triples that has non-trivial equalities.
What would mean to say that two semantically-different triples are equal?
For example, how could a generalized triple equality like
<2 3 4> = <4 6 8>
be true?


On 7/18/24 18:20, Doerthe Arndt wrote:
> Dear Peter,
> I am aware of the consequences of making RE injective, I just really do not see why we need that. So, to answer directly:
>> Am 18.07.2024 um 20:34 schrieb Peter F. Patel-Schneider <>:
>> Suppose we don't include the injection and we have (in an extension of RDF with equality and inequality)
>> :a /= :a1 .
>> <:a :b :c> = <:a1 :b :c> .
>> i.e., <:a :b :c> and <:a1 :b :c> have different components but nonetheless are the same triple.
>> Does this ever make sense?   If not, then why not include the injection?
> For me, that does make sense. We talk about a triple term, it could mean anything just like an iri.
> But I really like that you share your point of view and your expectations here. So for you, that it would be desirable to not allow the above?
>> Suppose we have (in RDFS++)
>> <:a :b :c> owl:sameAs <:a1 :b1 :c1> .
>> Should this entail
>> :a owl:sameAs :a1 .
>> :b owl:sameAs :b1 .
>> :c owl:sameAs :c1 .
>> That is, the same triple has the same components.
> No, in my opinion, it should not entail that these things are equal. I even consider that counter-intuitive to get these entailments. But I am willing to adopt if that is what we want and need as a group. I really like that we talk about expectations we have. I think we should even collect such expectations, to be able to test our final proposal on these.
>> If so, then you have the injection.
> I know, but for me that is an argument against the injection.
> Thank you for your answer.
> Kind regards,
> Dörthe
>> peter

Received on Friday, 19 July 2024 13:25:01 UTC