Re: Proposal for RDF-star Minimal Baseline - Agenda item for this week's plenary

Suppose we don't include the injection and we have (in an extension of RDF 
with equality and inequality)

:a /= :a1 .
<:a :b :c> = <:a1 :b :c> .

i.e., <:a :b :c> and <:a1 :b :c> have different components but nonetheless are 
the same triple.

Does this ever make sense?   If not, then why not include the injection?

Suppose we have (in RDFS++)

<:a :b :c> owl:sameAs <:a1 :b1 :c1> .

Should this entail

:a owl:sameAs :a1 .
:b owl:sameAs :b1 .
:c owl:sameAs :c1 .

That is, the same triple has the same components.

If so, then you have the injection.


Received on Thursday, 18 July 2024 18:35:35 UTC