Re: Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting

Is there any background on this topic?  That is, what conventions are involved 
or what affect could they have on the RDF 1.2?  Pointers to widely-accepted 
documents or WG deliberations would be particularly useful.


On 7/10/24 13:17, Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) wrote:
> View this event in your browser 
> <>
>   RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting ^Upcoming ^Confirmed
> 11 July 2024, 12:00 -12:55 America/New_York
> Event is recurring every other week on Thursday, starting from 2024-07-11, 
> until 2024-12-31
> RDF-star Working Group <>
>     Agenda
>  1. Respect the conventions on the web for use of IRIs
> Scribe: Thibodeau, Ted (alternate: Arndt, Dörthe)
> Next week's scribe: Patel-Schneider, Peter (alternate: Gschwend, Adrian)
>     Joining Instructions
> Instructions are restricted to meeting participants. You need to log in 
> <> to see them.
>     Participants
>       Groups
>   * RDF-star Working Group <> (View
>     Calendar <>) 
> Report feedback and issues on GitHub <>.

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2024 11:20:01 UTC