Re: summary un/asserted

sure, but would you agree that your idea would be captured exactly by the ABSTRACT syntax for RDF graph I wrote?

> On 10 Jul 2024, at 14:02, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
> The proposal is not about changing the syntax of RDF but instead about fundamentally changing the nature of RDF graphs (which will, in turn, require a new syntax, but that's not the important part).
> Here is a quick stab at the required definition, done for generalized RDF-star graphs as that is the simplest version to do.
> Generalized RDF-star triples is the smallest set of triples of the form subject, predicate, object where a subject, predicate, or object is an IRI, a blank node, or a literal, optionally plus a generalized RDF-star triple.
> The optional triple might have to instead be a set of triples.
> A generalized RDF-star graph is a set of generalized RDF-star triples.
> peter
> On 7/10/24 04:21, Franconi Enrico wrote:
>> If I understand you well, you propose that RDF has the following syntax:
>> |graph ::= triple* triple ::= subject predicate object subject ::= NoLiteralTerm predicate ::= iri object ::= term NoLiteralAtomicTerm ::= iri | BlankNode atomicTerm ::= NoLiteralAtomicTerm | literal NoLiteralTerm ::= NoLiteralAtomicTerm | tripleTerm term ::= NoLiteralTerm | literal tripleTerm ::= |NoLiteralAtomicTerm triple
>> Am I correct?
>> —e.
>>> On 9 Jul 2024, at 23:09, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
>>> The point of the proposal is to require that (some) nodes in RDF graphs are of the form IRI x triple or BNOde x triple.
>>> Yes, Turtle should be as compact as possible but it is not the thing that most users should see why they view RDF graphs.
>>> peter
>>> On 7/9/24 15:12, Niklas Lindström wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> I agree with your initial reply to Thomas. And I agree that your
>>>> (strawman) proposal here probably won't hold up.
>>>> This form looks like named triples (RDFn). I don't think it would
>>>> work. unless RDF graphs are redefined to be `(triple* | (name,
>>>> triple))*`. It also imposes some troubling limitations, such as the
>>>> impossibility of referring to the relationship between the "name" and
>>>> the triple (not only in other triple terms, which may be an edge case;
>>>> but, crucially, in vocabulary design; which is needed, as I show in
>>>> [4]). And it may lead to the named graphs problem all over again --
>>>> what do the names mean in relation to their triple(s)? And indeed,
>>>> naming multiple triples like that appears very problematic. (Problems
>>>> which the explicit reification of multiple triples by linking them
>>>> does not suffer from.)
>>>> I suspect that some ongoing confusion is a residual effect of the
>>>> original proposal to add triples as subjects. Adding triples as
>>>> subjects was *not* reification "done right". It was, IMO, reification
>>>> done more wrong. Triples as subjects didn't work at all for real world
>>>> LPG uses of many-to-one. With some hyperbole, it was akin to using
>>>> literals as subjects naively, with `"20" :currency :USD` to solve the
>>>> problem of values with units (structured values), but "with some
>>>> limitations" (saying that the integer 20 is in US-dollar currency in
>>>> the entire model). But to be more fair, the RDF-star error was far
>>>> more subtle.
>>>> We've finally all but expunged this error. Now, triples as *objects*
>>>> (triple terms) of an appropriate relation on the other hand, have
>>>> shown promise of some really powerful benefits.
>>>> There is some residue left though, one being some insistence on
>>>> allowing it even in non-generalized abstract syntax. But another
>>>> problem is sticking to this syntax:
>>>>     << <Alice> :bought <SomeComputer> >> :date "2014" .
>>>> Which is now a shorthand for:
>>>>     _:r1 rdf:reifies <<( <Alice> :bought <SomeComputer> )>> .
>>>>     _:r1 :date "2024" .
>>>>     _:r1 :cost 20 .
>>>>     _:r1 :currency :USD .
>>>> and totally fails to make this:
>>>>     _:r1 rdf:reifies <<( <Alice> :shoppedAt <ComputerStore> )>> .
>>>>     _:r1 rdf:reifies <<( <Alice> :bought <SomeComputer> )>> .
>>>>     _:r1 :date "2024" .
>>>>     _:r1 :cost 20 .
>>>>     _:r1 :currency :USD .
>>>> shorten to anything like Turtle, or even legible at all:
>>>>     << _:r1 | <Alice> :bought <SomeComputer> >> :date "2014" .
>>>>     << _:r1 | <Alice> :shoppedAt <ComputerStore> >> :cost 20 .
>>>>     _:r1 :currency :USD .
>>>> (In case anyone wants to object to my model design choice here ("use
>>>> `_:r1 :seller <ComputerStore>`"!), please read my follow-up to Thomas
>>>> [1].)
>>>> If we're *serious* about the minimal baseline [2], with `rdf:reifies`
>>>> working *equally* well for many-to-one and many-to-many (proper N-ary
>>>> relationships, relators, general reification), we need to revisit that
>>>> in earnest, as I wrote in [3].
>>>> That proposal could shorten the above--if the purchase alluded to is
>>>> not also true--along the lines of:
>>>>     <Alice> << :bought <SomeComputer> >> ^{_:r1} ;
>>>>         << :shoppedAt <ComputerStore> >> ^{_:r1} .
>>>>     _:r1 :cost 20 ;
>>>>         :currency :USD ;
>>>>         :date "2014" .
>>>> Which might not be *beautiful* (and could be tinkered with some more),
>>>> but is at least more "Turtle" (once you get used to reading the quotes
>>>> as being for predicate+object). For the possibly (much) more common
>>>> case, remove the quotes to have the regular assertions with
>>>> annotations:
>>>>     <Alice> :bought <SomeComputer> ^{_:r1} ;
>>>>         :shoppedAt <ComputerStore> ^{_:r1} .
>>>>     _:r1 :cost 20 ;
>>>>         :currency :USD ;
>>>>         :date "2014" .
>>>> This "extra resource" is *crucial*. And it isn't anything mysterious.
>>>> Here, it should be typed: `_:r1 a :Purchase`. In other cases, we have
>>>> Marriages, Publications, Pipe connections, or good old Statements,
>>>> Snaks, Observations, Utterances, Data Sources or Ingests, or whatever
>>>> the nature is of the reifying circumstance of one or more abstract
>>>> relationships. Regardless of their type, they relate to these
>>>> relationships, uniformly, with `rdf:reifies`. And this is what we
>>>> should convey.
>>>> I very much value what you wrote regarding "the limited sensory and
>>>> cognitive capabilities of humans". Even if my proposed form here is
>>>> deemed unsatisfactory, this is the condition for which I think Turtle
>>>> should cater. Making wikidata more readable is of great interest to me
>>>> too [4]. Again, the detailed polish has to wait until we have a solid,
>>>> agreed upon baseline. (There is some interaction though, unless
>>>> someone can transmit the pure qualia of the RDF abstract syntax...)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Niklas
>>>> [1]: <>
>>>> [2]: <>
>>>> [3]: <>
>>>> [4]: <>
>>>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 5:02 PM Peter F. Patel-Schneider
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Here is a proposal that I don't think will go anywhere, and I might not
>>>>> totally believe in, but does connect to the working group's activities.
>>>>> THESIS:  embedded triples are not a good solution to the use cases of the
>>>>> working group
>>>>> The use cases of the working group do not use embedded triples directly but
>>>>> instead require a separate resource that is connected to a triple.   These
>>>>> separate resources are needed because the information about an embedded triple
>>>>> from one use of it has to be separated from the information from other uses.
>>>>> Otherwise there is a mix-and-match problem, as shown in representing
>>>>> provenance where source from one provenance cannot be combined with time or
>>>>> access from another.  This problem affects the "seminal example", all kinds of
>>>>> provenance, and nearly all uses of embedded triples in the enoding of n-ary
>>>>> predicates.  The need for this extra resource and new linking predicate add to
>>>>> the complexity of just about any use of embedded triples in RDF and require
>>>>> extra shorthands in Turtle to partly hide this complexity from users.
>>>>> The solution is to do away with the uniqueness of embedded triples and base
>>>>> the extension of RDF proposed by the working group instead on non-unique
>>>>> occurrences of triples.   If we leave the proposed syntax alone, we get an
>>>>> extension of RDF where
>>>>>    << :a :b :c >> :d :e , :f :g .
>>>>>    << :a :b :c >> :h :i , :j :k .
>>>>> does *not* entail
>>>>>    << :a :b :c >> :d :e , :h :i .
>>>>> There are problems with this version of occurrences of triples.   Without some
>>>>> way of referencing a particular occurrence of a triple it is not possible to
>>>>> represent the above graphs in N-triples and all information about the
>>>>> occurence has to use a shorthand syntax in Turtle, making what used to be a
>>>>> convenience a necessity.   The solution to this problem is to in effect give
>>>>> these resources an identifier, so that a particular occurrence of a triple is
>>>>> no longer "anonymous" and can be referred to.
>>>>> The way to do this is to allow IRIs and blank nodes in RDF to also be a triple
>>>>> occurence, with syntax something like (this syntax probably not good at all
>>>>> but you should get the idea)
>>>>>    <:x< :a :b :c >> :d :e .
>>>>>    <_:x< :a :b :c >> :d :e .
>>>>> in both N-triples and Turtle.  This is a varation of a recent syntax proposal
>>>>> but is not just syntax and instead is the extension to the RDF data model to
>>>>> support quoted triples.
>>>>> A big problem (and one reason that I don't totally believe this proposal) is
>>>>> using the same IRI or blank node for multiple triple occurrences as in
>>>>>    <:x< :a :b :c >> :d :e .
>>>>>    <:x< :f :g :h >> :d :e .
>>>>> has to be handled by either forbidding it or allowing a node to have multiple
>>>>> triple occurrences.
>>>>> peter

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 13:29:16 UTC