Re: Well-formedness for option 3

The name "rdf:nameOf" is not a final name for the relationship and neither is 
its intended meaning so closely tied with (unique) naming, as far as my 
current knowledge of the relationship goes.  So appealing to some intuition 
about naming may not be useful.

So what is the relationshp?  How about it's just a relationship between an IRI 
or blank node and a quoted triple that can be used to get around the 
(unfortunate) uniqueness of quoted triples.


On 2/29/24 10:27, Gregory Williams wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2024, at 2:12 AM, Franconi Enrico <> wrote:
>> Really I meant:
>> << :b1 | :enrico :born-in :rome >> :on-date 1962 .
>> << :b1 | :enrico :born-on 1962 >> :location :rome .
> I think I need an explanation of your understanding of what's going on here. I’m struggling to wrap my head around any sensible interpretation of having the same name for such different triples.
> thanks,
> .greg

Received on Thursday, 29 February 2024 15:40:41 UTC