Summary of Semantics TF (2024-02-16)

In the Semantics TF (2024-02-16)


Enrico presented updated semantics covering option 3

The link to the PDF color-codes the parts which are additions to RDF 1.1 
semantics, for "triple" in the abstract data model (option 3) and 
separately for "triple occurrence".


There are a number things the WG needs to choose names for:

* "triple term"
* "triple occurrence"
* rdf:nameOf

... and agreeing naming is hard.

It was generally thought that "rdf:nameOf" is not a good choice.

Some suggestions, amongst others, for rdf:nameOf are:


There would be a class "rdf:Triple" which is the range of this predicate.


In the same way we have a name "annotation syntax" for concrete syntax

   :s :p :o {| :q :z |} .

we also need a name for the concrete syntax in Turtle that is:

   << e | s p o >>



Option 3:

The "consensus" syntax the WG has been working with:

There seems also to be consensus about a Turtle syntax for edges:

   << :e | :s :p :o >> :a :b .

and its variants:

    # syntactic sugar for << [] | :s :p :o >> :a :b .
    << :s :p :o >> :a :b .

    # syntactic sugar for :s :p :o. << :e | :s :p :o >> :a :b .
    :s :p :o {| :e | :a :b |}.

    # syntactic sugar for :s :p :o  {| [] | :a :b |}.
    :s :p :o {| :a :b |}.

Received on Friday, 16 February 2024 17:42:31 UTC