Re: RDF-star semantics: option 3 (first DRAFT)

On 2/16/24 10:40, Franconi Enrico wrote:
>> On 16 Feb 2024, at 16:24, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
>> Presumably the bluish and redish parts in the definition of I+A should encompass not just the if conditions but the entire lines.
> of course
>> There isn't anything to say how to split up triple terms and triple occurrences.  It's probably easier to just say t.s is a tripleOccurrence id s p o and not bother with the accessors.
> ?

There is no definition of .id, or .s, or .o, or .p for the triple occurrences 
ts and to.

>> It looks as if the triple occurrence semantics is missing an ID.  And then that part could be replaced with [I+A](x) as appropriate.  That is unless there is supposed to be a difference between
>> s p o .
>> o rdf:nameOf <<( a b c )>>.
>> and
>> s p <<o | a b c>> .
> ?

<[I+A](, <[I+A](to.s),[I+A](to.p),[I+A](to.o)>> ∈ [I+A](rdf:nameOf)

appears incorrect, and probably instead should be

<[I+A](, ID<[I+A](to.s),[I+A](to.p),[I+A](to.o)>> ∈ [I+A](rdf:nameOf)

which can then be shortened to

<[I+A](, [I+A](to.t)> ∈ [I+A](rdf:nameOf)


Received on Friday, 16 February 2024 15:46:35 UTC