Re: Revisiting RDF-star semantics (was Re: Why is the RDF-star working group standardising RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2?)

Le 27/01/2023 à 20:57, Peter F. Patel-Schneider a écrit :
> This has to be done carefully if blank nodes are to be transparent.

As described in my previous email, my proposal is to make everything in 
an embedded triple completely opaque.

Just like:


could be a way of referring to, or being related to, the triple:

_:b <> "01"^^xsd:int .

and a system could extract the parameters of the URI to do interesting 
things with them, but as the semantics is concerned, there is no a 
priori relation between the URI and the triple, nor between the URI and 
the components of the triple.


> peter
> On 1/27/23 13:30, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>> On 27/01/2023 11:49, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
>>> (*) RDF-star basic semantics would be defined on any RDF-entailment 
>>> regime by adding a mapping IT from embedded triples to the set of 
>>> resources IR. Under this basic semantics, embedded triples simply act 
>>> as distinct names, as if they were IRIs. This does not preclude 
>>> extensions where the internal structure of the embedded triples makes 
>>> a difference.
>> I like that.
>> Would you mind developing this further?
>>   pa
>> PS: also, the repo is available 
>> for PRs ;-)

Antoine Zimmermann
ISI - Institut Henri Fayol
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 12:45:55 UTC