Re: Revisiting RDF-star semantics (was Re: Why is the RDF-star working group standardising RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2?)

There isn't much to develop.
 From the abstract syntax point of view, it is very simple.

An interpretation is a tuple (IR, IP, IS, IL, IT, IEXT) such that:
  - (IR, IP, IS, IL, IEXT) is an RDF 1.1 interpretation.
  - IT is a function from the set of embedded triples to IR.

The "semantic conditions for ground graphs" (in Sec.5 have to be 
changed a little bit:

Definition: An RDF-star triple that have a subject that is not a blank 
node, and an object that is not a blank node either, is called a *weakly 
ground triple*. A weak ground RDF-star graph is a set of weakly ground 

  - if E is a literal then I(E) = IL(E)
  - if E is an IRI then I(E) = IS(E)
  - if E is an RDF-star triple then I(E) = IT(E)
We introduce a separate function Itruth that maps RDF-star triples and 
RDF-star graph to true or false:
  - if E is a weakly ground triple s p o, then Itruth(E) = true if
I(p) is in IP and the pair <I(s),I(o)> is iin IEXT(I(p))
otherwise Itruth(E) = false
  - if E is a weakly ground RDF-star graph then Itruth(E) = false if 
Itruth(E') = false for some triple E' in E, otherwise Itruth(E) = true.

This means total opacity of embedded triples.

<< :s :p :o >> :x :y .

does not entail:

<< [] :p :o >> :x :y .


<< _:a :p :o >> :x :y .

does not entail:

<< _:b :p :o >> :x :y .

assuming that _:a and _:b identify distinct blank node.

However, this is problematic when considering the concrete syntaxes.

If there are 2 separate files that each contains the following triple:

<< [] :p :o >> :x :y .

Then it is not the case that the graph represented by the first file 
entails the one represented by the second file, because, a priori, the 
blank nodes in these two graphs are distinct. This is very counter 
intuitive. One possible semantic extension of this could impose that 
isomorphic triples denote the same thing.


Le 27/01/2023 à 19:30, Pierre-Antoine Champin a écrit :
> On 27/01/2023 11:49, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
>> (*) RDF-star basic semantics would be defined on any RDF-entailment 
>> regime by adding a mapping IT from embedded triples to the set of 
>> resources IR. Under this basic semantics, embedded triples simply act 
>> as distinct names, as if they were IRIs. This does not preclude 
>> extensions where the internal structure of the embedded triples makes 
>> a difference.
> I like that.
> Would you mind developing this further?
>    pa
> PS: also, the repo is available for 
> PRs ;-)

Antoine Zimmermann
ISI - Institut Henri Fayol
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 12:32:39 UTC