Re: Use cases: Agenda 2023-02-09

Sounds like a task force. c.f. document conversion and errata

So the agenda item is a 5 minute slot to call for volunteers for a TF? 
Ideally with a organiser/contact point.

(Whether the task force is writing use cases or debating a mechanism to 
create good use cases is up to the volunteers.)


On 09/02/2023 15:35, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I've looked at that document and I find most of the use cases inadequate.
> A use case for quoted triples that can be considered by the working 
> group should include at least an example using quoted triples and an 
> explanation of how the quoted triples should work and cover the 
> entirety of the use case.  What is in the document is mostly vague 
> descriptions of desires.
> Consider the first use case:
> As a materials scientist working with ontologies. I want to enrich 
> relationships between objects. For example "A --similar--> B" with a 
> similarity measure of 0.5, So that I can identify the pairs of objects 
> with relationships of certain "strength". Visualization of the edges 
> with accordingly weighted thickness would be a huge plus.
> How is this supposed to work using quoted triples?   What are the 
> boundaries of the use case?
> The use case could be handled by adding a mechanism to attach numbers 
> to (quoted) triples.
> I think the working group needs a mechanism to create good use cases 
> so that the various proposals for quoted triples can be evaluated.
> peter
> PS:  Note that this assumes that there is the possibility of having 
> different proposals being considered by the working group.
> On 2/9/23 10:04, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>> Previously:
>> CG gathered material:

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2023 16:53:30 UTC