Re: Use cases: Agenda 2023-02-09

I've looked at that document and I find most of the use cases inadequate.

A use case for quoted triples that can be considered by the working group 
should include at least an example using quoted triples and an explanation of 
how the quoted triples should work and cover the entirety of the use case.  
What is in the document is mostly vague descriptions of desires.

Consider the first use case:

As a materials scientist working with ontologies. I want to enrich 
relationships between objects. For example "A --similar--> B" with a 
similarity measure of 0.5, So that I can identify the pairs of objects with 
relationships of certain "strength". Visualization of the edges with 
accordingly weighted thickness would be a huge plus.

How is this supposed to work using quoted triples?   What are the boundaries 
of the use case?

The use case could be handled by adding a mechanism to attach numbers to 
(quoted) triples.

I think the working group needs a mechanism to create good use cases so that 
the various proposals for quoted triples can be evaluated.


PS:  Note that this assumes that there is the possibility of having different 
proposals being considered by the working group.

On 2/9/23 10:04, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> Previously:
> CG gathered material:

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2023 15:35:45 UTC