RDF repositories ready for work

I’ve updated all of the RDF repositories, other than RDF-XML, which has some link errors still to be resolved. In many cases, editors still need to be given appropriate access rights to the repositories for the specifications they’ve signed up to, which has been noted in the latest pull requests. It’s saft to clone and start working on these documents. Generally, updates should be done on separate branches, and pushedd directly into the group repository, rather than from a fork of the repository, given the appropriate write access.

If you’re listed as an editor of one of these documents, I’ve either asked specifically for approval, or mentioned you in a comment. Please go ahead and review the PRs and comment, request changes, or approve for merge.

See https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/rdf-star/tools for the list of repositories for the Working Group.

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Friday, 3 February 2023 02:13:03 UTC